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- ********************************************
- * *
- * Z E U S *
- * *
- * E - M U *
- * Morpheus / Ultra Proteus *
- * C O M M A N D E R *
- * Version 1.01 *
- * *
- * for ATARI ST, TT, Falcon *
- * (c)'95 by *
- * Petra Wolf + Jochen Nies *
- * Huettenstr.20, D-50823 Koeln *
- * E-Mail: *
- * Jochen Nies @ 2:2480/620.66 fidonet.org *
- * Jochen Nies @ K1.maus.de *
- * *
- ********************************************
- Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo
- and...
- ...this is a DEMO of ZEUS, the editor and bankloader for E-MU Morpheus
- /Ultra-Proteus for the ATARI. Yes, we all turned that KNOB some miles and hours...
- but the remedy is here!
- ZEUS runs on ATARI ST; STE; MEGA ; TT; and FALCON with minimum 1MB and 640*400
- screen resolution (..REAL fun on a TT with a big screen!).It features full
- GEM-compatibility; size and position of open windows can be saved in the setup;
- "clean" Code that runs under all TOS-Versions, including multitasking (tested
- under MAG!X and MROS-Switcher in conjunction with CUBASE), 3 Editors (PRESET,
- HYPER, MIDIMAP) with Bankloaders and etc...
- ************************** I M P O R T A N T *********************************
- * *
- * This DEMO-program can be copied free, but ONLY together with the *
- * following files: *
- * ZEUSDEMO.PRG - the program *
- * PRESET.AM - module *
- * HYPER.AM - module *
- * MIDIMAP.AM - module *
- * LIESDIES.TXT - dieser Text *
- * READ_IT.TXT - this text *
- * SAVEDESK.CFG - configuration-file *
- * AUTOLOAD.MID - autoload Sequenz (standard MIDI-File) *
- * AUTO_P.PNK - autoload PRESET-Bank *
- * AUTO_H.HNK - autoload HYPER-Bank *
- * AUTO_M.MNK - autoload MIDIMAP-Bank *
- * *
- * It is PROHIBITED, to take any money for the distribution of this *
- * DEMO-program, exept for postage and floppies. * *
- * *
- ******************************************************************************
- *********************** V E R Y I M P O R T A N T ***************************
- ******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** We don't take any liability for damage, loss of data or any kind of **
- ** MIDI-chaos, that YOU or anyone produces with the help of this program. **
- ** IT'S AT YOUR OWN RISK !! **
- ** **
- ******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************
- > MIDIMAP-Editor doesn't change data in the machine.
- > In the PRESET-editor following WINDOWS don't change data in the machine:
- > In the HYPER-editor FREE RUN FUNCTION GENERATOR doesn't work.
- > The BANKLOADERS are only for looking.
- The full version of the program will be available September 1st 1995
- under the address listed at the top of this file.
- The price will be $ 100 US, plus shipping.
- You should avoid ACC's and autofolder-programs (exept, maybe NVDI, which
- speeds up the screen incredibly). Switching from one editor to the other
- takes a little time because the modules must be loaded from Floppy/Harddisk.
- If the program wants you to "INSERT PROGRAM DISK", change
- the disk to the one, you started the program from.
- The program needs at least 1260 KB, MIDI set to STANDARD, INPUT and OUTPUT
- to ATARI.
- Now you can start a sequence in Cubase (only 1 Track at a time, please!)
- and edit a sound/midimap/effect for the special needs of the song.
- NOTICE: The BASIC-CHANNEL in the MIDIMAP has to be set to the MIDI-channel
- the sequence runs on, in CUBASE, B E F O R E you switch to PRESET/HYPER-Editor.
- (See MIDIMAP-Editor for Details)
- * Before starting the program, MIDI-IN of ATARI must be connected to *
- * MIDI-OUT of the Morpheus/U-Proteus and MIDI-OUT of Atari with MIDI-IN *
- * of the Morpheus/U-Proteus. *
- * If there's no machine connected at program-start a Morpheus/U-Proteus *
- * can be emulated, for just taking a look at it. *
- In most cases, we took the same names and parameter-locations that are used
- in the Morpheus/U-Proteus. If some terms are unknown, refer to the manuals
- of the Atari or E-MU machines.
- Actually, ZEUS is not one editor, it's three editors with bankloaders and
- copy-windows: MIDIMAP-, PRESET- and HYPERPRESET-editor.
- The MASTER-editor doesn't belong in this category, because there's no
- bankloader or copy-window.
- You can switch between the editor-windows by clicking on the name-buttons,
- with <Control-N> (next), <Control-P> (previous), or with the first letter
- of the name, for example:
- <M> = Midimap EDITOR, <P> = Preset EDITOR, etc.
- "Inside" the editors there are more windows, like:
- <R> = Realtime Controller, <B> = Bankloader, etc. (see Hotkey-list).
- In the windows you can reach the part that can't be seen, by clicking
- on the grey part of the scroll-sliders or, better with the <Arrow-Keys>.
- <ESC> closes the current window.
- The position and size of the open windows can be saved in a setup
- with <Control-S> and will be present again with next program-start.
- For editing the parameters there are two types of adjustment-tools:
- with up- and down- arrow:
- * clicking on the down-arrow with the LEFT Mouse-button decreases the
- value by 1, with the RIGHT Mouse-button by 10. Guess what's happening
- when you hit the upward arrow...
- * clicking on the value-field opens a little window for keyboard editing.
- with one outlined down-arrow:
- * clicking on the arrow with the LEFT Mouse-button steps through values.
- * clicking on the value-field, shows a list to choose from (checked with a
- little hook).
- ...TO BANK - puts data to bankloader in the Atari
- ...FROM BANK - gets data from bankloader in the Atari
- SEND ... - saves data in RAM or CARD of the E-MU machine
- GET ... - receives Data from machine
- SEND to SCRATCH - sends data to edit-buffer of the machine
- GET from SCRATCH - receives data from edit-buffer of the machine
- If this option (SCRATCH) is selected, data will not be written to/read from
- RAM or CARD, but into/from the edit-buffer, where the "action" (editing)
- takes place. If you're not sure that the data is the same in both
- the machine and the Atari's SCRATCH, this might be necessary.
- The BASIC-CHANNEL, in opposition to the other channels is black on white.
- It is the MIDI-channel on which the SysEx-Data communication happens.
- It is also the channel from where you start into another editor (if you
- change from MIDIMAP to PRESET-editor, the current preset on that MIDIMAP-
- channel will be edited). The BASIC-channel can be changed by clicking
- on the choosen white on black channel-number.
- You can listen to all the sounds on every channel without changing the
- BASIC-channel by clicking on their names or change a parameter and then
- start a sequence, by hitting the <space bar>.
- Inactive MIDI-channels (all messages OFF) show the names of their current
- PREST/HYPER in a light grey.
- Hitting the <space-bar> starts a sequence, hitting it again, stops it.
- The <*>-key starts recording, <space-bar> stops it.
- The sequences are Standard-Midifile format, but only one track.
- The sequence AUTOLOAD.MID loads at program start.
- T H E H O T K E Y ' S
- Ctrl N - next window
- Ctrl P - previous window
- Ctrl B - general setup
- Ctrl S - save setup
- Ctrl L - Language
- Ctrl Q - Quit program
- SPACE - Play Sequence
- * - Record Sequence
- Alt L - Load Sequence
- Alt S - Save Sequence
- Alt A _ Save Sequence as
- Alt N - Note
- Alt P - Autoplay
- Alt M - Midi Thru
- Y - windows back to position (Magix)
- A - MASTER-Editor
- ARROW KEYS - scroll current window
- ESC - closes current window
- A - MASTER-Editor
- M - MIDIMAP-Editor
- B - Midimap-Bankloader
- E - Effects
- C - Midimap Copy
- Shift S - Send Midimap
- Shift G - Get Midimap
- Shift T - to Bank
- Shift F - from Bank
- P - PRESET-Editor
- B - Preset-Bankloader
- N - Note-on Controller
- R - Realtime Controller
- F - Function Generators
- C - Preset Copy
- Shift S - Send Preset
- Shift G - Get Preset
- Shift T - to Bank
- Shift F - from Bank
- B - Hyperpeset-Bankloader
- F - Free-Run Function Generator
- C - Hyperpreset Copy
- Shift S - Send Midimap
- Shift G - Get Midimap
- Shift T - to Bank
- Shift F - from Bank
- ...have fun !!
- ** D I E K L A N G P I R A T E N **
- Petra Wolf Joker Nies